Blog Design

26 April 2010


Working on Photoshop project.. Making a beer label and carrier.. then have to make an advertisement in a magazine... so blogs will be intermitten right now, as I have math, history, and photoshop homework to do.

my son is learning how to add.. it's awesome..

newest bloom in my garden.... sweet peas..

18 April 2010

My Mood Right Now

I love depeche mode....

Fun Stuff

Photography is a hobby of mine... I don't have a fancy camera, (although if you are willing to donate one, feel free to let me know) :) Here are some shots of my garden, which amazingly grows on my patios of my apartment.

I'm taking advanced photoshop in college, so I will post my completed assignments here, as well as my FB page. I'm also growing tomatoes and jalapenos. I would rather grow my own than pay that exorbant amount at the grocery store...

My fiancee helps with the gardening. Just because I live in an apartment doesn't mean that I have to make it look drab. I don't have much, but it's a start.. and it makes me happy. My orange tree is blooming, and I can't wait to sit outside and smell the orange blossoms. It's my happy smell, and everytime I smell it, I relax. When my hyacinths were in bloom, along with the jasmine, OMG.. It was heavenly. My best friend came over, and we stayed outside just because it smelled so awesome.

Can't wait for the oranges!!

16 April 2010


I am who I am. You can take it or leave it.

That's what I tell people about me. Marilyn Monroe once said:

That could not be a more true statement. I'm not perfect, and the harder I try, the more my therapist told me to stop. And that's not easy. We are supposed to be supermom's, able to handle anything and everything that comes our way. Having a child with autism was not something I could just handle right off the bat. He's awesome. Some have given up on him, but I won't. And I never will.

I have an obssession with Tudor History. And no, this was not because of the show. (Which is awesome by the way). I am slowly building a library, but that has been put on hold, as my apartment only has so much room. I find it interesting.

So be warned, I will write about anything and everything.. :)