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16 April 2010


I am who I am. You can take it or leave it.

That's what I tell people about me. Marilyn Monroe once said:

That could not be a more true statement. I'm not perfect, and the harder I try, the more my therapist told me to stop. And that's not easy. We are supposed to be supermom's, able to handle anything and everything that comes our way. Having a child with autism was not something I could just handle right off the bat. He's awesome. Some have given up on him, but I won't. And I never will.

I have an obssession with Tudor History. And no, this was not because of the show. (Which is awesome by the way). I am slowly building a library, but that has been put on hold, as my apartment only has so much room. I find it interesting.

So be warned, I will write about anything and everything.. :)

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