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14 June 2010

Taking a Break From the Kids...

Ok.. I am nightowl by nature. I can't help it. I wake up this morning, (thankful school is out) and my kids gravitate towards me like I was holding fresh brownies in my hand. I like to wake up and have my house quiet. Since Dylan is out of school, that's not going to happen. They sit around me like they are blocking my escape. I love my personal space, and I know they are my kids. Sometimes, you just need that space to keep your sanity.

I know there are moms out there who are afraid to say they want a break from their kids. That because we gave birth, we gave up the right to maintain our sanity. Well, whoever told them that is wrong... I know different generations have different outlooks on the matter. I was told that I wasn't supposed to anything really but take care of my kids. No fun, no friends, just take care of my kids. My ex dumped me after our son was born, and I was told that I was not allowed to be upset. I had to stop crying, and take care of my son. I was a first-time mom. I didn't know, and I think that was exploited. I ended up going into a major depression that I could not get out of. Long story short, I decided that I needed to do what worked for me, and not listen to someone else.

So right now, I need a break.. My fiancee took the kids to the pool, so I have some absolutely blissful peace right now.. I get to sit down, blog, and watch Barefoot Contessa. I will join them later, but I needed to breathe, and get my head together. I love my kids, I really do. It's just sometimes, I need a breather.. LOL

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