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01 January 2012

Adieu 2011

What can we say about 2011??

I suppose it could've been worse. It started out normal enough, ending in a dilemma no one could prepare for. Through all this, my family and friends were there for me even when I pushed them away. I am not one to ask for help; I will beat my head into a wall to fix the problem until it's fixed or there is nothing I can do. I have a support network that accepts my crazy and willful ways and for that I am grateful.

What did I learn?

Well I learned that my absolute hatred of math has been passed to my daughter, and to this day, I will never understand why I had to learn all that crap if I'm not going to ever use it.

I learned that despite what others may think about me, I know that in the eyes of my children, I am a superhero, playmate, chef, and world-renowned artist/photographer and I RULE THE WORLD! (well at least their world).

I learned that my personality may not always rub people the right way. I do the best I can to be diplomatic, but if you're an idiot, I will make you aware of it. The spread of stupidity must be stopped!!

I've also learned that no matter how much anyone tells me that I can only do so much, I will push myself to prove you wrong. I can't help it, it's my nature.

I learned through this recent crisis that you can forgive, but you also don't forget. You do what you have to do for family, but that doesn't mean the past didn't happen. We can move forward, but you have to remember the past or you will be doomed to repeat it.

I also learned that 18 hours in a truck with two kids is the ultimate test of patience and sanity. (Although once we were back in our normal setting, both patience and sanity gave me the finger and left.)

The main lesson I've learned is that no matter how hard I try, I will never be as perfect as I think I should be. The years of that ideal being driven in my head have only driven me to near breakdowns. Will I still try and be little miss perfect? Of course; I'm a woman. With magazines, television, and even the internet spewing ideals of womanly perfection, it's hard to ignore those. (But if the standards are the Kardashians, we're all in a world of hurt). I am who I am. I am stubborn, bitchy, emotional, selfish, and even downright heartless if I need to be. But I am also loving, caring, intelligent, artistic. Marilyn Monroe said it best:

Made by myself (I was bored)

Now, let's strive for a good 2012, shall we?

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