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16 October 2011

Just keep swimming...

I keep telling myself this lately.. "Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." Some days it helps get me through. Other days I feel like a great white wants to take me to a "Fish Are Friends Not Food" meeting and then chase me through old WWII subs that have sank. (Yes this is a Finding Nemo reference.) I have never felt so down as I have lately.

I started working out with my best friend Michele, and it helps with my morale. I hate sweating, but I want to look better for myself. I feel like I'm an outsider, watching everyone's lives go by. We bought a car, but it's not running right and we don't have the money for the part we need. I don't like asking for help, I really don't. I don't want people to think I'm weak and incapable of handling my life and the problems that come up. This month has been hard and honestly I'm not dealing well with it. I asked for help in the past when I was single and all I got was crap for it. I was raising my kids on my own without any help from their "father" and no matter what I did, it was never enough. I made mistakes, I know that. I learned from them and have done my hardest to not repeat them. It just feels like the harder I try to stay above water, the faster I sink. I don't know how long I can hide this from my kids, or from anyone else for that matter. I'm too stubborn to let myself completely fail, but right now I want to throw my hands up and surrender.

I just want to be happy and not worry about things like food, or money to buy my kids' shoes if they need them. I also just want to have a car that doesn't give me problems or is a magnet for idiots on the road. (I swear, there must be some sort of sign on me that says "hit me".) I see other people live their lives with no worries and I can't help but ask what they are doing that I'm not? I had a job, however it drove me to have several nervous breakdowns and I had to leave. I have to be around for my kids so they have someone to pick them up and take them to school. My son doesn't do well in day care because of his autism and most places won't take him because of it. My daughter needs extra attention at home because of her school work (which is another story). I feel like I can't catch a break and that's really all I want.

I know there are some out there that say God is looking out for me, blah blah blah...
A) I don't believe that, so please stop telling me that.

With all the crap going on in the world, I don't think "God" is looking out for anyone right now. Bankers on Wall St. have screwed us I don't know how many times, and they still get their ungodly bonuses for doing nothing. I am completely hireable and can do many things but I've been told that I'm overqualified and they can't hire me. I did not realize being intelligent would hinder my getting a job.

Yes I'm angry, hurt, and frustrated. I am allowed to be.

Light and Dark - Photshopped by myself; stock used from

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