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20 September 2011

Math - The One Subject That Will Have Me Revert to An Angry Child.

Math is the bane of my existence. It is the ultimate annoyance that comes with my education requirements. I know there are those out there who love math, and I applaud you. The fact that you enjoy solving for "x" or whatever shows to me that you either have a lot of time on your hands, or your curiosity gene is stronger than mine.
My math book cover...
I am currently taking algebra in college, which is the most hated subject in my ed plan. I am an art major. I want to focus on honing my drawing skills and learn how to properly shade my subjects. I could give a rat's ass about the perimeter of a freakin' rectangle. Math has never been my strongest subject. Mind you, simple calculations I can do in my head without thinking. I will never understand why I have to show every single step in a simple calculation if I know the answer is right. I get that the instructor wants to know that I can do it. However the irritation factor makes me want to throw my book.

This is what I look like when I'm finished...
To many of you, you will most likely think I'm whining and that I should just shut up and get it done. And to a point I understand. I should just follow the rules that are given and do the work without question. However if you know me, I question EVERYTHING. I don't just sit back and take what everyone says at face value. Most of the time I have to ask why when it comes to math. How is this going to relate to my life? When am I going to use this? 3(x-4)+(x-5) is not something I use to balance my checkbook.

I only keep count of those I killed, and I know who they are. X means nothing..

Last night, my fiancee was helping me with my homework. It was one of those ridiculous word problems that my brain just will not comprehend. I actually got so frustrated because he was trying to explain it to me and it still sounded like an alien talking to me. I shoved my binder off the table (yeah I know, dramatic...) and sat there with my head in my hands. I know I'm intelligent. I have a fair grasp on most subjects, but math is the one that makes me feel like I'm the stupidest person in the world and I should live amongst animals. (If you know me, yeah that won't happen.) I hate being made to feel like an idiot. With all these crazy rules and formulas I simply stop and want to just forget about it.

During my tantrum last night, (let's face it; that's what it was), I started to realize that I was acting like my six year old daughter. You mention the subject of math, or homework in general, and she reverts to the three year old drama queen she hasn't totally let go of. I never do homework when she's up; I wait for her to go to bed. (Less interruptions). She is creative like me, and apparently she inherited my insane distaste for math. I feel like a hypocrite forcing her to do homework when I frankly can't stand it. "Do as I say, not as I do," doesn't sit well with me. But I have no choice. We both have to do our homework whether we like it or not.

"Now do your homework or the Jabberwocky will get you!"

**Photos used for enhancement purposes only. Photos courtesy of God of War, Annie Lebowitz, and Disney's Alice in Wonderland**

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