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04 April 2013

My Love of the Written Word

This could not be more true.

Whether is cleaning the house, doing homework, or simply making sure that my children have not totally destroyed the house, there is one thing I would always rather be doing. Reading.

I have been reading books for pleasure all my life. I remember my grandmother buying me classics like Black Beauty and the Secret Garden for my birthday and/or Christmas. No one had to force me to read. I would read late into the night to the chagrin of my mother. I remember taking one of the house flash lights to read under the covers.

It wasn't until high school that I started delving into the classics. The Great Gatsby was the first classic I fell in love with. It seemed easy enough. Getting an insight to the 20's fascinated me. I had seen pictures of flapper girls and such in history classes. When we started going further behind the story with all the color symbolism, I was hooked. As in most high school English classes, we read Shakespeare. Yes it was Romeo and Juliet. But it introduced me to the world of Elizabethan England and the witty language he used. I had my mother buy me a few of his plays, which she was reluctant to do at first. She thought it was too mature for me. I convinced her that I wanted to read it. She relented and I had my books.

Why do I love it so much?

There is something about sitting down and peering into a world that someone created from their imagination. If you can imagine yourself there, if you feel the emotion of the characters, you know you've got a great story. I am one of those people who cannot be trusted with money in a Barnes and Noble store. And Amazon? Forget it. The kindle app on my Ipad is probably one of the most used. It is tempting to download several books at a time so I have a steady stream of new books to read. I've had to download books now because I don't have room to buy physical books. Don't get me wrong, I love the ability to download a book and read it. But physical books will always have a special place for me. It's what I grew up with.

I've become interested in history, particularly in English history. It started from reading the literature from different eras. Now I am reading anything I can about the different dynasties that have ruled England for hundreds of years. I have an affinity for the Queens who have made their mark over the years.

Anyone who knows me knows that I'll spend whatever free time I have with my nose in a book. It's just something that I do. A Song of Ice and Fire (or as it is commonly known as Game of Thrones), The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, Harry Potter, The Inheritance Series, The Lord of the Rings,  and many others have kept me entertained and distracted at the same time. The countless history books continue to fascinate me. And don't get me started on fairy tales.
Because Einstein said so.

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